Publications & Presentations
Some articles include background information and links to related material.
Most are also listed separately by theme:
My curriculum vita (pdf file) has complete publication details.
- What are our Responsibilities to Gaza? Panel Discussion, Department of Sociology, Portland State University, Portland, OR [Panelist]
- Anarchism. In Parisí, E. R., Hur, D. U., & Lacerda Jr., F. (Eds.), Dictionary of Latin American Political Psychology. San Luis, Brazil: New University Publishing House. [Dicionário de Psicologia Política Latino-Americana. Campinas: Alínea]
- Polyamory in Political Context. Atlanta Poly Discussion Group, Decatur, Georgia. [Presenter]
- Dialogue. 5th Anniversary Event, Critical Therapy Center, New York, NY. [Invited speaker]
- Fox, D., & Sakolsky, R. `(2017). Anarchist Possibilities. Engaged Citizenship Common Experience Speaker Series, University of Illinois at Springfield. [Invited speaker]
- Anarchism. International Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology.
- Anarchist Morality and Personal Change. Enlightened Anarchism Conference, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland.
- Anarchism and Psychology. Boston Anarchist Bookfair.
- Interview: Critical Psychology and Social Struggles. Meydan (Turkish)
- Personal, Social, Political: Anarchism, Psychology, and the Occupy Movement. 3rd Critical Psychology Symposium, Diyarbakir, Turkey. [Keynote]
- Critical Psychology and Anarchism. TODAP (Association of Psychologists for Social Solidarity), Istanbul, Turkey. [Invited]
- Anarchism, Democracy, and Occupy. Occupy Boston Radio Interview. [Audiotape]
- Anarchism and Psychology. Theory in Action. [YouTube video of conference presentation: part 1 - part 2]
- Reflections on Occupying. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology.
- Critical and Radical Psychology. In D. J. Christie (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Competing Narratives about Competing Narratives: Psychology and Palestinian-Israeli Conflict. Social and Personality Psychology Compass.
- Anarchism, Psychology, and Law. Free School University at Occupy Boston, Boston, Massachusetts. [2-part video]
- Challenging Basic Assumptions: Personal and Political. Free School University at Occupy Boston, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Anarchist Occupation Issues. Free School University at Occupy Boston, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Introduction to Anarchism, Psychology, and Law. Occupy Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, Florida.
- Critical Psychology, Capitalism, and Transformation. Panel discussion, German Critical Psychology Conference, Free University of Berlin.
- Critical Psychology in the United States and Canada. German Critical Psychology Conference, Free University of Berlin.
- Confusions and Dilemmas about Personal Growth and Political Change. Corvid College Lecture Series, Cambridge, MA.
- Towards Transformative Social Interventions. Updated commentary on chapter by Geoffrey Nelson and Isaac Prilleltensky in Community Psychology: In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-being (2nd ed.). London: MacMillan.
- The Suitability of Political Debate in Psychology. In G. Nelson & I. Prilleltensky (Eds.) Community Psychology: In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-being (2nd ed.). London: MacMillan. [Reprinted column]
- Things that Confuse Me About Psychology, Anarchy, Justice, and Academic Objectivity. York University History & Theory of Psychology Colloquium Series, University of Toronto.
- Fox, D., Prilleltensky, I., & Austin, S. Critical Psychology for Social Justice: Concerns and Dilemmas. In D. Fox, I. Prilleltensky, & S. Austin (Eds.), Critical Psychology: An Introduction (2nd ed.). London: Sage.
- Arrigo, B. & Fox, D. Psychology and the Law: The Crime of Policy and the Search for Justice. In D. Fox, I. Prilleltensky, & S. Austin (Eds.), Critical Psychology: An Introduction (2nd ed.). London: Sage.
- Fox, D., Prilleltensky, I., & Austin, S. (Eds.). Critical Psychology: An Introduction (2nd ed.). London: Sage Publications.
- A Critical-Psychology Approach to Law’s Legitimacy. In M. D. Freeman (Series Ed.) & M. L. Levine (Vol. Ed.), International Library of Medicine, Ethics and Law: Mental Illness, Medicine, and Law. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing. [Reprinted article]
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- Palestinians Under Siege: A Critical Psychology Perspective on Mental Health and Justice. Siege and Mental Health...Bridges vs. Walls: Gaza Community Mental Health Center’s 5th International Conference, Ramallah, Palestinian National Authority.
- Teo, T., Fox, D., & Prilleltensky, I. Critical Psychology Issues. Conversation hour, American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.
- Academic Objectivity, Political Neutrality, and Other Barriers to Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation. First International Academic Conference on Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Pathways to Peace, New Britain, Connecticut.
- Confronting Psychology’s Power. Journal of Community Psychology. [Invited Commentary]
- Fox, D., Sloan, T., & Austin, S. History and Trends of Critical Psychology in North America. Psychologie Française [Invited article, translated into French]
- Radical Psychology: Creating Healthier and More Just Communities and Societies. Guelph Community Health Convergence, Guelph, Ontario. [Invited Workshop]
- Epstein, G., & Fox, D. Disablity, Empowerment, and Community Support Networks. Guelph Community Health Convergence, Guelph, Ontario. [Invited Workshop]
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- Law, Justice, and Reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Comments and Questions from a Visiting Critical Psychologist. Birzeit Legal Encounter, Birzeit University Institute of Law, Ramallah, Palestine.
- The Development of North American Critical Psychology, Plus Questions About its Relevance to Israel. Colloquium, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.
- Psychological Perspectives on Law and Human Rights. Al Quds University Human Rights Clinic, Palestinian School of Law, Abu Dis, Palestine.
- Critical Psychology’s Relevance to Therapists. Graduate Course, Basic Concepts in Psychodynamics of Psychotherapy, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel. [Guest Speaker]
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- Psycholegal Scholarship’s Contribution to False Consciousness About Injustice. In A. Sarat (Series Ed.) & T. Tyler (Vol. Ed.), The International Library of Essays in Law and Society: Procedural Justice. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing. [Reprinted article]
- Towards Transformative Social Interventions. Invited commentary on chapter by Geoffrey Nelson and Isaac Prilleltensky in Community Psychology: In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-being (New York: Palgrave Macmillan).
- The Suitability of Political Debate in Psychology. In G. Nelson & I. Prilleltensky (Eds.) Community Psychology: In Pursuit of Liberation and Well-being. New York: Palgrave. [Reprinted column]
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- Organizing Critical Psychologists: The RadPsyNet Experience. Radical Psychology Journal. [2001 Monterey Bay Conference on Critical Psychology, California--Keynote Address]
- (Dennis Fox, Isaac Prilleltensky, Tod Sloan, & Melissa Warren). Publishing Critical Psychology in Mainstream Psychology Outlets: Should We Bother? Monterey Bay Conference on Critical Psychology, California. [Learning Circle]
- (with Isaac Prilleltensky). Making a Difference: Organizing for Critical Psychology. Monterey Bay Conference on Critical Psychology, California. [Workshop]
- Organizing Parent Resistance. New Democracy Conference on High-Stakes Testing. Brockton, MA, November. [Workshop]
- Law and Justice. Workshop for high school students, Brookline, MA.
- Protest & Civil Disobedience. Workshop for high school students, Brookline, MA.
- Radical Dilemmas in the Anti-High-Stakes-Testing Movement. Radical Teacher #61, 28-35.
- Challenging Basic Assumptions: The (Potential) Value of Social Science Education. Academy for the Study of Psychoanalytic Arts. [On-line at http://www.academyanalyticarts.org/fox2.htm] [Original paper presented 1982]
- A Critical-Psychology Approach to Law's Legitimacy. Legal Studies Forum, 25, 519-538.
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- The Critical Psychology Project: Transforming Society and Transforming Psychology. In Critical Psychology: Voices for Change (Tod Sloan, Ed.). Macmillan Press.
- What's Radical Psychology? What's Critical Psychology? Why Should Mainstream Psychologists Care? Brown Bag Colloquium presentation, Psychology Department, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, February.
- Psychology and Social Justice. Colloquium presentation, Counseling Psychology Program, Boston College, April.
- (with Dimitry Anselme). Protest & Civil Disobedience. Workshop for high school students, Facing History and Ourselves, Brookline, MA, May.
- Achieving Ideological Change Within Psychology. Academy for the Study of Psychoanalytic Arts [On-line at http://www.academyanalyticarts.org/fox.htm] [Original paper presented 1988]
- (with Ron Sakolsky). From "Radical University" to Handmaiden of the Corporate State. Booklet published by Teachers for a Democratic Culture. [Updates & expands 1998 article]
- Reprinted : Je ne sais quois #7, pp. 1-2, 8-15. Available: P. O. Box 2407, Springfield IL 62705.
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- RadPsyNet, Psychology, and Public Policy. APA Graduate Student Newsletter, 10, p. 16. [Invited column]
- Response to Geis on Anti-Corporate Polemics. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 16, 273-279. [Comment on critique of Fox, 1996]
- (with Ron Sakolsky). From "Radical University" to Agent of the State. Radical Teacher #53, 13-18. [Updates and expands "'Radical University' Celebrates 25th Anniversary and Dies"]
- Comment on Reviews of Critical Psychology: An Introduction. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 68, 612-613 [Invited response]
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- (with Isaac Prilleltensky). Will Psychology Pay Attention to its Own Radical Critics? Conversation hour conducted at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto. [Founding meeting of the Radical Psychology Network]
- The Autonomy-Community Balance and the Equity-Law Distinction: Anarchy's Task for Psychological Jurisprudence. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 11, 97-109. [Original paper presented in R. L. Wiener & G. B. Melton (Co-chairs), Perspectives on Psycholegal Jurisprudence. Symposium conducted at the 1990 convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston.]
- Psychological Jurisprudence and Radical Social Change. American Psychologist, 48, 234-241.
- Reprinted: 1995. In T. D. Campbell (Series Ed.) & M. L. Levine (Vol. Ed.), The International Library of Essays in Law and Legal Theory: Law and Psychology (pp. 53-60). Aldershot, England: Dartmouth Publishing.
- Where's the Proof that Law is a Good Thing? Law and Human Behavior, 17, 257-258. [Comment]
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- The Legal, Bureaucratic, and Social-Psychological Context of Mental Disability Evaluation: An Inside Perspective. Poster presented at the First Biennial Conference on Community Research and Action (APA Division 27), University of South Carolina, Columbia. [Paper published in part, remainder revised/updated in 1994]
- Beyond Individualism and Centralization. American Psychologist, 41, 231-232. [Comment]
- Four Reasons for Humanistic Psychologists to Advocate Anarchism. Transformations, 2(1), 17-23 [Original 1984 paper presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto]
- Technology, Productivity, and Psychological Needs. In J. W. Murphy & J. T. Pardeck (Eds.), Technology and Human Productivity: Challenges For The Future (pp. 59-66). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. [Original paper presented at the National Conference on Technology and Human Productivity, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro]
- Achieving Ideological Change Within Psychology. In T. Trabasso (Chair), Psychology, Ideology, and Social Change. Symposium conducted at the annual convention of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago. [ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education, Document Reproduction Service No. ED 258 188]
- Finally published on-line in 2000
- Personal Autonomy, Psychological Sense of Community, and Political Ideology. Poster presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles. [ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Personnel Services, Document Reproduction Service No. ED 266 398]
- Variation of paper also presented at annual convention of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, Michigan State University, East Lansing: Value Themes Among Politically Dissident Newspaper Letter Writers [Dissertation-related]
- Psychology, Ideology, Utopia, and the Commons. American Psychologist, 40, 48-58.
- "To the Editor": Ideological Themes Expressed by Individualist and Collectivist Newspaper Letter Writers. Dissertation, Michigan State University. [Qualitative Interview Study, unpublished]
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- The Pressure to Publish: A Graduate Student's Personal Plea. Teaching of Psychology, 10, 177-178. [ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. EJ 288 782]
- Reprinted: 1987. In M. E. Ware & R. J. Millard (Eds.), Handbook on Student Development: Advising, Career Development, and Field Placement (pp. 119-120). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.