June 2016 |
Changing Society while Changing Ourselves (interview) |
May 2016 |
Border Lines and Border Regions, Political and Personal (personal essay)
2015 |
October 2015
Parallels, Intersections, and Clashes: Journeys through the Fringes (conference paper/book chapter)
2013 |
March 6, 2013 |
Cleaned up Links Page - removed broken links
March 6, 2013 |
Added new section on Sexuality Relationships, Psychology and Politics and Discussion Outline on Polyamory Psychology and Politics |
2012 |
December 25, 2012 |
Critical Psychology and Social Struggles (interview)
May 3, 2012
New photo website: dennisfoxphoto.com
January 2, 2012 |
Anarchism (encyclopedia entry)
2011 |
November 20, 2011
Reflections on Occupying (journal article) |
February 13, 2011
Competing Narratives about Competing Narratives: Psychology and Palestinian-Israeli Conflict (article)
January 8, 2011
Anarchism and
Psychology (conference paper/journal article)
2010 |
January 13, 2010
2008-09 Photo Galleries
(abstracts, natural, people, places) |
2009 |
July 14 |
Critical and Radical
Psychology (encyclopedia entry) |
July 14 |
Syllabus: Psychology and
Society in Critical Perspective |
April 19 |
Course Description: Psychology
and Society in Critical Perspective (York University) |
April 19 |
Disability Blues (old personal
essay, finally published) |
February 16 |
Photo Galleries: Jordan/Israel/Palestine 2008 |
January 9 |
Getting Beyond the
Slogans and Rhetoric (Op-Ed) |
2008 |
August 20 |
Palestinians Under Siege: A
Critical Psychology Perspective on Mental Health and Justice
(conference presentation) |
June 9 |
Table of Contents for Critical
Psychology: An Introduction (2nd ed. 2009) |
April 17 |
Reorganized photo pages,
including prices for prints and photobooks. |
March 30 |
Academic Objectivity,
Political Neutrality, and Other Barriers to Israeli-Palestinian
Reconciliation (conference paper) |
January 17 |
Critical Psychology
Issues (conversation hour abstract) |
January 17 |
Is Brookline Ready to
Rethink Israel-Palestine? [Op-Ed] |
2007 |
December 3 |
More Photo Galleries:
Abstracts, Travel, Nature, More |
November 28 |
Photo Galleries: Boston Anti-War - Sabeel
Conference/Counterprotest - Hummingbirds
2 - Muddy
San Miguel River
October 1 |
Can Social Psychology Depoliticize
the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? (ASAP - Book Review) |
August 17 |
Exhibited and
Published Photos |
July 15 |
Five Social
Psychology Essentials (In-Mind Magazine) |
June 12 |
Galleries: Washington, DC Anti-Israeli-Occupation Rally - Current
Favorites |
February 13 |
2006 Photo
Galleries & New
Favorites |
January 12 & 21 |
Israel/Palestine Photo Galleries (Bethlehem,
Ramallah, Jewish Settlements, Negev, More)
2006 |
December 22 |
New Israel/Palestine
Photo Galleries (Rahat, Black
Hebrews, Bil'in) |
December 21 |
Law, Justice, and
Reconciliation in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Comments and
Questions from a Visiting Critical Psychologist (guest lecture)
November 8 |
The Development of North
American Critical Psychology, Plus Questions About its Relevance to
Israel (colloquium presentation) |
October 27 |
Israel/Palestine Photo Galleries (Bil'in, Be'er
Sheva) |
October 5 |
Psychology, Law, and Justice (new
course syllabus) |
June 8 |
Town Meeting Supports
Impeachment, Restricts Political Speech (Brookline TAB
column) |
May 18 |
Anticipating Town
Meeting (Brookline TAB column) |
April 27 |
Selectmen Candidates Debate,
Sort-of (Brookline TAB column) |
March 30 |
Impeaching Bush is Just the Start
(Brookline TAB column) |
March 2 |
Dispirited Transportation
Board Avoids No-win Decision (Brookline TAB column) |
February 12 |
Social Psychology
Course Syllabus |
February 2 |
Social Psychology of Brookline (Brookline TAB column) |
January 5 |
Shopping Mania (Brookline
TAB column) |
2005 |
December 8 |
Frank Smizik's BioLab Balance
(Brookline TAB column) |
November 17 |
Police Discretion, Again
(Brookline TAB column) |
October 26 |
Curriculum Vita (pdf file) |
October 23 |
New Galleries added
to photo site |
October 20 |
Town Meeting Should Oppose Future
Biodisaster (Brookline TAB column) |
September 22 |
Brookline's Katrina School Year
(Brookline TAB column) |
August 25 |
Brookline Psyched (Brookline
TAB column) |
August 4 |
Midsummer Musings (Brookline
TAB column) |
July 7 |
Selectmen Institutionalize
Transportation Board Lip Service (Brookline TAB column) |
June 16 |
My Return to Israel (Our
Town Brookline) |
June 16 |
Denman Island Lessons (Brookline
TAB column) |
May 19 |
Town Meeting Drama Time (Brookline
TAB column) |
May 5 |
Another Year, Another
Election (Brookline TAB column) |
April 14 |
Transportation Board Digs In (Brookline
TAB column) |
April 6 |
Israel/Palestine Political
Impressions (Babylonia) |
March 3 |
Social Security Disability
Politics (eTalkinghead.com) |
March 2 |
Ward Churchill, Scapegoat
(eTalkinghead.com) |
February 15 |
Photo Galleries (on my photo website) |
February 3 |
Back from Jerusalem (Brookline
TAB column) |
January 17 |
Pessimistic Optimism in Israel
and Palestine (eTalkinghead.com) |
January 6 |
From Brookline to Jerusalem (Brookline
TAB column) |
2004 |
December 2 |
Town Meeting Inconsistent on
Police Discretion (Brookline TAB column) |
November 11 |
Town Meeting in Blue Brookline
(Brookline TAB column) |
October 21 |
Town Meeting Should Push
Stubborn Transportation Board (Brookline TAB column) |
October 19 |
Bush and Kerry Both Wrong
on Judges (eTalkinghead.com) |
October 14 |
Bush and Kerry Both Wrong on
Education (eTalkinghead.com) |
October 5 |
Jerusalem Again: A Personal
Political Journey (The Pedestal Magazine) |
September 23 |
Grand Labor Battle at Grand
Opening! Sex Boutique (Brookline TAB column) |
September 9 |
Back to School Food, Tests, and
Propaganda (Brookline TAB column) |
August 26 |
New: Weblog |
August 25 |
Antiauthoritarianism Interview
(Babylonia) |
August 19 |
Random Observations: Housing, Cops,
Sex Offenders (Brookline TAB column) |
July 29 |
Appreciating Summertime Brookline (Brookline
TAB column) |
July 8 |
Zoned Out at Zoning Hearing(Brookline
TAB column) |
June 17 |
Transportation Board
Indecision Aggravates Cops and Car-Owners (Brookline TAB
column) |
June 3 |
Professional Roles, Police
Discretion, and Political Decisions (Brookline TAB column) |
May 20 |
Brookline Reflections after
100 Columns (Brookline TAB column) |
May 6 |
Israel Celebrants and Protesters
Bring More Heat than Light (Brookline TAB column;
InfoShop.org) |
April 22 |
Lessons from Kagoshima (Brookline
TAB column) |
April 8 |
Police Discretion Worsens
Parking-Limit Unfairness (Brookline TAB column) |
March 25 |
Disappointing Development
Debate (Brookline TAB column) |
March 11 |
Normalizing Same-Sex Marriage Talk
(Brookline TAB column) |
February 26 |
Leaving Children Behind
Locally (Brookline TAB column) |
February 12 |
Brookline Place
Proposal Not as Bad as Most (Brookline TAB column) |
January 29 |
Car versus Bike (Brookline
TAB column) |
January 1 |
Shmoozing with Cops (Brookline TAB
column) (Justice XPress) |
2003 |
December 18 |
Town Snow Job (Brookline TAB
column) |
December 4 |
Break the Chains (Brookline TAB
column) |
November 20 |
Photo Themes -- New
Section added to separate photo site |
November 20 |
Let's Study That! (Brookline
TAB column) |
November 9 |
Boston protest
against Israel's Separation Wall (Photo Gallery) |
November 7 |
Jubran Deportation Demonstration (Photo Gallery) |
November 6 |
Competing Middle East
Stances Confuse and Clarify (Brookline TAB column) |
October 30 |
Waiting for Military
Recruitment Clarification.... (Brookline TAB column) |
October 9 |
Uncertain Certainty (Brookline
TAB column) (Justice XPress) |
September 25 |
Middle East Mess (Brookline
TAB column) |
September 11 |
Teaching Justice (Brookline
TAB column) |
September 5 |
Photo Website added (now a
separate site) |
August 28 |
Summer's End Sharpens the Pen (Brookline
TAB column) |
August 14 |
Marriott Musings (Brookline
TAB column) |
August 8 |
Psychopolitical Literacy for
Wellness and Justice (Journal of Community Psychology) |
July 24 |
Chuck Morse Takes On Barney Frank (Brookline
TAB column) |
July 10 |
Road Maps and Road Blocks (Brookline
TAB column) |
June 26 |
Make Participation Count (Brookline
TAB column) |
June 12 |
Restructuring for Town Democracy
(Brookline TAB column) |
May 29 |
Picking Topics and Picking
fights (Brookline TAB column) |
May 23 |
Awareness is Good, but Action is
Better (The Counseling Psychologist) |
May 15 |
School Committee Diploma Delay
(Brookline TAB column) |
May 1 |
Federman Arrest Reveals Divided
Jewish Community (Brookline TAB column) |
April 17 |
Marijuana Bills Move in Right
Direction (Brookline TAB column) |
April 15 |
What Next? (Beyond Mainsteam
column) |
April 3 |
The War Muddle (Brookline TAB
column) |
March 13 |
School Committee May Do (Some of)
the Right Thing (Brookline TAB column) |
March 3 |
Psychology's Power: Comment on Prilleltensky (presentation) |
February 26 |
Critical Psychology Articles
Published in the American Psychologist (list) |
February 13 |
Powell Won't Convince Town Anti-war
Residents (Brookline TAB column) |
January 23 |
From Affirmative Action to
Reparations (Beyond Mainsteam column) |
January 16 |
Diplomas, Licenses, and Bar Mitzvahs
(Brookline TAB column) |
January 15 |
Pizza Night (personal essay) |
January 2
Alcohol Sting
Leaves Sour Taste (Brookline
TAB column)
2002 |
December 19 |
Will the Brookline School
Committee Escalate MCAS Opposition? (Brookline TAB column) |
December 5 |
Jewish Peace Group Faces Difficult
Questions (Brookline TAB column) |
December 4 |
New section: Strategies |
December 3 |
When in Doubt, Go Left (BeyondMainstream.com
column) |
December 1 |
Toward Transformative Social
Interventions (chapter commentary) |
November 22 |
INS Releases Palestinian Activist Amer
Jubran--For Now (CounterPunch) |
November 21 |
Justice, Peace, and Amer Jubran
(Again) (Brookline TAB column) |
November 7 |
For an Anti-War Town Meeting (Brookline
TAB column) |
October 24 |
- Election Odds &
Ends (Brookline TAB column)
October 10 |
Time to Cool War Fever (Brookline
TAB column) |
October 4 |
We Should Also Worry about a
Quick-and-Easy War (American Feed Magazine) |
September 27 |
Will South Dakota Free the Jury?
(on jury nullification amendment) |
September 26 |
Electoral Yawns (Brookline
TAB column) |
September 18 |
Codeless (personal essay on past EMT
experience: in MERGINET.COM) |
September 13 |
Our Persuasion Challenge (Nonviolence.org
commentary) |
September 12 |
Survey (Brookline TAB column)
September 1 |
Joining the Expanding
Middle (Tikkun Magazine article)
August 28 |
Democrats Seek Jewish
Votes (Brookline TAB column)
August 21 |
Expanding Critical
Psychology's Challenge for Health and Justice (Journal of Health
August 15 |
The Suitability of
Political Debate in Psychology (UK Psychology Grad Student
August 14 |
Latest MCAS Report No
Surprise (Brookline TAB column)
Update to
Tests Aim to Standardize Our Kids (for Project Censored listing)
August 13 |
Kill the Corporation
(Opinion column, AlterNet)
August 9 |
Added Frequently Asked Questions
2002 |
Site transferred from university server to
1995 |
Original site created at University of Illinois at
first: www.uis.edu/~fox; then: people.uis.edu/dfox1